Picture 1 What you see in the photo above is what you get. No more no less.
Offered here is a ONE (1 piece) of new good quality aftermarket miniature surveillance kit , PTT Switch, Microphone for
MACOM M/A-COM GE Edacs LPE200 Government Emergency Communication Radios.
The following explains its key differences as compared to the cheaper version that we also sell (if you prefer to buy cheaper version, then click on this icon)
First, this more expensive set contains the following replaceable parts. That way, if one part failed, you can still replace it at a fraction of the total cost. And you can even share your ear mic with your buddies without worry about hygiene issue.
Picture 2: the mini speaker. Click on the picture if you want to buy the parts.
Picture 3a, 3b and 3c: the coil tube and "nipple".
Click on the picture if you want to buy the parts. If you prefer a more comfortable "nipple," then click on this icon:
Picture 4: The speaker holder and lapel clip. Click on the picture if you want to buy the parts.
Picture 5: The big PTT button and mic and lapel clip
Second, the following replaceable parts can be exchanged or replaced easily, and when properly fit, will stay in place snugly. You don't have to worry whether it will fall apart when used in critical moments:
Picture 6: To fit the tube to the holder, simply plug in and then twist 90 degree until it clicks firmly into place. This setup will ensure the tube will not be detached from the holder unintentionally.
Picture 7a and 7b: To fit the speaker/cable into the holder, simply plug in and then turn until it clicks firmly into place. This setup will ensure the speaker/cable setup will not be detached from the holder unintentionally.
Please note that this listed item shown in picture 1 above is one meant for professionals which include:
1. police officer
2. fireman
3. military personnel
4. FBI / CIA / secret agents
If you are a novice user who use the item only rarely (perhaps once a week for a few hours) and in good working environment (not subject to heat/rain/snow/cold weather), then you may want to consider cheaper versions highlighted in yellow below in our Alternative Section.