Offered here is TWENTY (20) new good quality aftermarket HEAVY DUTY speaker mic for Motorola
GP900, GP1200, GP9000, MTX838, MTX900, MTX960, MTX8000, MTX9000, MTX-LS, XTS1500, XTS2500, XTS3000, XTS3500, XTS5000 HT1000, JT1000, PR1500, MT 1500, MT2000, MTS2000 EFJohnson: 5100,7700 SERIES HT2000 and perhaps many more.
OEM# BDN6676
Picture 1 What you see above is what you get.
Strong, built-in speaker loud enough for all but the noisiest of environments

Picture 2: splash proof and high durability nature of the microphone adapter and the speaker makes the unit highly suitable for industrial and other heavy duty environments.

Picture 3: Speaker comes with metal reinforced clip which rotates a full 360 degrees. The unit secures to the user's lapel, belt, or uniform shoulder epaulets.